A substantiation study for a new conception of blood groups of ABO system on the basis of a complex of laboratory researches, conducted at Sytenko Institute


  • Yury Delevsky




ABO system, isotype of antigens A and B, nonagglutinating anti-A and anti-B, serum immunosuppression factor, N-acetyl-D-galactosamine-transferas


Existence of agglutinogenic (alkaline) and nonagglutinogenic (acid) glycotopes of A and B antigens is substantiated. The two isotypes of antigens have their two corresponding types of transferases with the maximum activity in the pH area, which is opposite to the antigens synthesized. Also, the antigen isotypes have their two corresponding types of antibodies: α-, β-agglutinins and nonagglutinating anti-A, anti-B. The acid isotype of A and B antigens may not correspond to the blood group, thereby substantiating a new differentiation of these groups in ABO system. In case of discrepancy between the agglutinating and sorption (complement-binding) ABO characteristics, the natural immunosuppressive factor is revealed in blood serum.


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How to Cite

Delevsky, Y. (2013). A substantiation study for a new conception of blood groups of ABO system on the basis of a complex of laboratory researches, conducted at Sytenko Institute. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (1), 101–103. https://doi.org/10.15674/0030-598720131101-103

