International Ethics Compliance

Experimental and clinical studies submitted for publication must be approved by the local committee on bioethics (in the section "Materials and methods" indicate the full name of the committee, the number and date of the protocol). Clinical trials must be carried out in compliance with moral and ethical standards, rights and safety of patients, it is necessary to protect their physical and psychological health. Patients are required to be fully informed about the purpose and methods of research and treatment, drugs and their regimes of administration, potential risks and benefits, as well as possible discomfort during diagnosis and treatment, which should be reflected in the signed informed consent.

Experiments on animals must be carried out in compliance with the international ethical requirements and legislation of Ukraine (Law of Ukraine No. 3447-IV dated 21.02.2006 "About protection of animals from cruel treatment"), as well as taking into account the safety of researchers and staff who are involved, other people and the environment from the negative consequences of scientific research.

In the case of using anatomical materials of dead people for scientific purposes, it is necessary to comply with the current legislation of Ukraine, the principles of the ICH GCP, the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 690 of 23.09.2009 "On approval of the Rules for conducting clinical trials and the Standard Regulations on the Ethics Commission", with changes and additions. Provide the relevant documents to the editor.