Article Retraction Policy

Withdrawal of an article from publication occurs by correcting the published information and notifying readers that the article has flaws or erroneous information, i.e. plagiarism is detected; published in several editions; detection of falsifications or fabrications in the work (for example, falsification of experimental data); serious errors were found that cast doubt on its scientific value; incorrect composition of authors (included persons who do not meet the authorship criteria or there is no one who is worthy of being an author); hidden conflict of interest and other violations of publishing ethics.

The withdrawal of the article takes place at the official request of the editors of the journal or the author. In this case, the article remains in the journal, but the article information in the databases indicates that the article has been withdrawn.

Procedure for retraction (retraction) of an article: if the author(s) has decided to withdraw the article, he/she applies to the editors, giving a motivated explanation of the reason for his/her decision; decision of the editorial board to withdraw the text of the article, the editor informs about the decision of the author(s), indicating the reason and date of withdrawal. The article remains on the website as part of the corresponding issue of the Journal, but with the indication "WITHDRAWN".

The author(s) are notified of the retraction of the article with a wording justifying the reason for retraction of the article.