Mineral density of the vertebral body bone tissue after spondylodesis (a review of literature)
spinal fusion, bone mineral density of vertebrasAbstract
The purpose of this analytical literature review was to generalize results of researches in studying the mineral bone tissue density (MBTD) of the vertebral bodies, adjacent to an area of spondylodesis. It was revealed that spondylodesis was followed by both increases and decreases of MBTD both in the very area of spondylodesis and in adjacent vertebral motor segments. Changes in MBTD depended upon different factors, including an effect of fixing devices on the area of spondylodesis and peculiarities in the bone tissue regeneration close to an implant, the patient’s age, osteoporotic manifestations in the vertebral column both before and after the surgical intervention. It is necessary to study MBTD peculiarities in the vertebral bodies, located above and below the area of spondylodesis, relations of local manifestations of osteoporosis with systemic changes in the vertebral column and skeleton at large. Disorders in the bone tissue remodelling in vertebral bodies demonstrate negative changes in MBTD. The discrepancy of the results, present in scientific literature, emphasizes necessity to continue studies in this direction.References
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