Modern problems and prospects for developing the organization of medical rehabilitation for patients with injuries and diseases of their locomotor system
medical rehabilitation, traumas, diseases of locomotive systemAbstract
The article deals with outstanding problems of medical rehabilitation in consequences of injuries and diseases of the locomotor system. Results of long-term studies of the state of its organization and quality of the medical rehabilitation of patients and disabled people with the above pathology in medical establishments of the Kharkiv Region are presented. Unused reserves and ways for improving the medical rehabilitation efficacy by solution of organizational problems are described. The article emphasizes that it is necessary to organize a high-quality dynamic follow-up of patients, conduct a full complex of medical measures depending upon the degree of anatomic-morphological and functional disturbances at each stage of rehabilitation, and revise the assessment of the rehabilitation potential and prognosis for patients with consequences of injuries and diseases of the osteomuscular system.References
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