On the problem of meniscal pathology in frontal deformities on the knee joint level


  • Elena Baburkina
  • Olena Karpinska




meniscus, varus deformity, arthrotic changes, tibiopatellar joint


In this article, problems of relationships between varus deformities on the knee joint level and the medial meniscus are examined. There is statistical and mathematical evidence of a destructive effect, produced by varus deformities on the medial meniscus. It was revealed that varus deformities on the knee joint level did not result from interventions on the medial meniscus. Progression of arthrotic changes in the tibiofemoral joint after removal of the medial meniscus without taking into account the varus deformity is statistically proved. It is recommended that interventions on the medial meniscus should be combined with correction of frontal deformities at the knee joint level.


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How to Cite

Baburkina, E., & Karpinska, O. (2011). On the problem of meniscal pathology in frontal deformities on the knee joint level. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (4), 34–37. https://doi.org/10.15674/0030-59872011434-37

