The state of the haemostasis system in patients with osteoarthrosis of large joints
osteoarthrosis, hemostasis, fibrinolysis, diagnosticsAbstract
The article examines the problem of diagnosing disturbances of the haemostasis system in patients with osteoarthrosis of large joints at different stages of the disease with help of the following laboratory tests: prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, fibrinogen, fibrinolytic activity, soluble fibrin monomer complex and protein C. It was revealed that progression of osteoarthrosis from stage I to IV caused gradual elevations in the levels of fibrinogen and soluble fibrin monomer complexes in the patients’ blood, as well as an increase of fibrinolytic activity, thereby demonstrating significant disturbances in the system of fibrinolysis. In patients at stages III–IV of the disease their level of C protein decreased, and it could be one of the causes of thromboembolic complications in elderly people. Thus, it should be noted that patients with osteoarthrosis of large joints had significant disturbances in their haemostasis system.References
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Copyright (c) 2014 Volodymyr Filipenko, Frieda Leontyeva, Dmytro Morozenko, Nina Jakovenko, Iryna Korzh

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