Use of corrective insoles in knee joint osteoarthrosis with genu varum




osteoarthritis, knee joint, genu varum, conservative therapy


Our analysis of scientific data has shown that practically all methods of conservative and surgical treatment of gonarthrosis are actively developed by orthopaedists and full enough described in literature. But, despite this, we believe that insufficient attention is given to nonmedicamentous methods. The purpose of the present work was to improve results of conservative treatment of gonarthrosis by application of valgus insoles for biomechanical correction of lower extremities. The analysis of results of valgus insole application in gonarthrosis showed its efficiency depending upon the degree of the knee joint affection. The study was made on 74 patients with knee joint osteoarthrosis. The patients were divided into 3 groups according to Kellgren-Lawrence degree of their lesion. The assessment of the initial condition and the control of dynamics of treatment were made by Lequesne index and visual analogue scale. The examination was performed 2, 8 weeks and 4 months after the beginning of the treatment. Application of valgus insoles in gonarthrosis with an overloaded medial compartment of the knee joint can be recommended for use in a complex with other conservative methods for treating knee joint osteoarthrosis.


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How to Cite

Golovakha, M., Filipenko, V., Shishka, I., Gorelov, O., Banit, O., & Krasnoperov, S. (2011). Use of corrective insoles in knee joint osteoarthrosis with genu varum. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (2), 64–70.

