Study of the optimum diameter of pins and rods in external hinged fixing devices for treatment of wrist joint damages


  • Oleksandr Buryanov
  • Anatoliy Samokhin
  • Volodymyr Kvasha
  • Victor Kotiuk
  • Mykola Shidlovsky
  • Andrey Laksha



compressive-distraction devices, articulated devices, devices of external fixation, joints of hand, psoriatic arthritis


Determination of the rational diameter of pins and rods for external hinged fixing devices was made on the basis of an anatomical-biochemical experiment on anatomical preparations and mathematical modelling. The article contains data of the rational diameter of pins and rods in external fixing devices for the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints depending upon their material, type of the device fixation and expected levels of loading.


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How to Cite

Buryanov, O., Samokhin, A., Kvasha, V., Kotiuk, V., Shidlovsky, M., & Laksha, A. (2011). Study of the optimum diameter of pins and rods in external hinged fixing devices for treatment of wrist joint damages. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (2), 33–36.

