Cellular mechanisms of reparative osteogenesis disturbances
periosteum cells, endosteum cells, mesenchymal stromal cells, osteorepairAbstract
The article submits data of a study of the state of cellular sources of osteoreparation in injuries with low and high intensity. Low-energy injuries demonstrate that the above cellular sources of osteoreparation preserve their proliferative activity, cells of the periosteum and endosteum preserving their osteogenic determinacy. Preservation of osteogenic determinacy of periosteal and endosteal cells in low-energy injuries facilitate osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells of the medullary cavity, which proliferate into the bone wound, and formation of a specific bone regenerate in the fracture region. In high-energy injuries, there is some change in the morphofunctional state of cellular sources of osteoreparation: their proliferative activity decreases, periosteal and endosteal cells lose their osteogenic determinacy. As a result of these changes, the mesenchymal stromal cells of the bone marrow, which proliferate into the bone wound, do not receive any osteogenic determinacy and a nonspecific cicatrical tissue forms in the fracture region.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Volodymyr Klimovitskiy, Volodymyr Oksimets, Andrey Popandopulo, Volodymyr Chernysh, Anatoliy Grebenyuk, Victoria Bushe, Abakar Magomedov, Yusup Magomedov

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