Structural-metabolic characteristics of bones and cartilage under the influence of hypothermia (the review of literature)
hypothermia, the culture of osteogenic cells and cartilage, structural-metabolic features of bone and cartilageAbstract
The goal: to analyze the data presented in the scientific literature concerning the structural and metabolic features of bone and cartilage tissue after the action of total induced hypothermia. General idea of hypothermia and its existing classifications for humans and animals are given in the first section of the literature review. This section also contains the data concerning the influence of hypothermia on the human body, in particular older people. The second section presents the results of experimental research on the effect of hypothermic conditions on cultured bone cells (osteoblasts and osteoclasts) and articular cartilage (chondrocytes). The research results show the negative impact of induced total hypothermia of varying intensity on the structural-metabolic parameters of these cultured cells. Ultrastructural changes were noted in the cytoplasm and cells nuclei, as well as disturbances in the metabolism of matrix macromolecules. The third section deals with general questions of influence of total induced hypothermia on bone in normal and osteoporosis. It has been established that hypothermia directly affects bone tissue, destroying its structural-metabolic characteristics. Severe destructive changes in cells, matrix and micro elemental composition of bones have been noticed. It is shown that hypothermia causes systemic changes in the body (of the antioxidant system, hormone balance, blood supply, and others). Under the influence of hypothermia significant violations of osteoblasts ultrastructure, increased osteoclastogenesis, reduced osteoblastogenesis and activation of bone resorption were recorded in bone. The fourth section presents the data about structural-metabolic condition of articular cartilage after the action of severe hypothermia early after exposure. It is shown that severe hypothermia leads to pronounced ultra structural changes of articular cartilage cells and extracellular matrix.References
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