Methods for selecting endoprosthesis legs in primary cement-free hip joint arthroplasty
hip joint, endoprosthesisAbstract
The article contains a review of special literature on methods for selecting legs of cement-free endoprostheses. The problem of the necessity to carry on thorough preoperative planning and selection of the endoprosthesis leg according to the shape of the femoral canal is examined. The femoral component with the proper (proximal, intermediate or distal) type of fixation is chosen with regard for the proximal canal shape and thereby the maximally possible area of the contact between the implant and bone tissue is secured. In case of the conical shape of the canal, as a rule, authors usually use wedge-shaped legs with the intermediate type of fixation. The proximal type is used for completely preserved proximal femurs. But if the canal is cylindrical, straight anatomical legs are chosen with a possibility of distal fixation.References
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