On the problem of prognostication of results of high corrective osteotomy of the tibia
knee joint, osteoarthritis, osteotomyAbstract
A relation of the value of the constitutional varus angle of the tibial plateau with long-term results of high corrective valgus osteotomy of the tibia was analysed. The process of the work included: random sampling of 60 patients; retrospective analysis of radiograms before the operation; analysis of the results of the patients’ treatment; correlation analysis of the dependence of the patient treatment results upon the value of the tibial varus angle. The patients were divided into 3 groups according to the varus angle value (m): group I – less than 3°, group II – 3-6°, group III – 7° and more. The group of patients with m < 3° (from -1° to 2°) consisted of 9 patients, and 4 of them had a varus deformity recurrence. The second group (m = 3÷6°) included 34 patients, 2 of them having a recurrence of a varus deformity. The third group (m ≥ 7°) was formed by 17 patients, with no varus deformity recurrences. The performed analysis demonstrates the presence of a reliable relation between the value of the constitutional varus angle of the tibial plateau with the result of corrective osteotomy. This radiological index can serve as an additional factor when choosing indications for high corrective osteotomy of the tibia in patients with medial knee arthrosis.
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