The spread of blockade after brachial plexus anaesthesia with different approaches


  • Volodymyr Fesenko



brachial plexus, anaesthesia


The spread of the motor, sensory and sympathetic block (temperature elevation at least by 1°C) 20 minutes after brachial plexus anaesthesia with the interscalene (n = 15), supraclavicular (n = 26) and coracoid infraclavicular (n = 22) approaches was assessed in 63 adult orthopaedic patients (34 males and 29 females). The most expressed prevalence of paresis or paralysis of the trapezius muscle in the interscalene group versus the supraclavicular one was statistically significant (bilateral Fisher's exact test: p = 0.0003) and clinically essential (3.2 times); differences in the sensory block were insignificant. In conclusion, anaesthesia of the trapezius muscle, required for operations on the shoulder girdle, is the most valuable advantage of the interscalene approach.


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How to Cite

Fesenko, V. (2009). The spread of blockade after brachial plexus anaesthesia with different approaches. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (1), 92–96.

