A morphological assessment of the prophylaxis and treatment of post-traumatic osteoarthrosis in an experimental use of thiotriasoline


  • Oleksandr Buryanov
  • Anton Brusko
  • Yuriy Sobolevskiy
  • Ivan Chekman
  • Taras Omelchenko
  • Volodymyr Kvasha




post-traumatic osteoarthrosis, the prevention, treatment, thiotriasoline


The purpose of the present work was to study the efficacy of using metabolic drugs with antioxidant properties in the prevention and treatment of acute and chronic lesions of cartilages in rabbits with experimental post-traumatic osteoarthrosis of the knee joint. The conducted analysis of the results showed that the application of thiotriasoline in fresh injuries prevented the development of any destructive-dystrophic process in the affected joint, rather than facilitated the formation of the endosteal regenerate and chondroid tissue only. In neglected post-traumatic transchondral joint injuries, the use of thiotriasoline also inhibited the development of dystrophic and necrotic changes in the articular cartilage, thereby preventing the progression of osteoarthrosis.


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How to Cite

Buryanov, O., Brusko, A., Sobolevskiy, Y., Chekman, I., Omelchenko, T., & Kvasha, V. (2009). A morphological assessment of the prophylaxis and treatment of post-traumatic osteoarthrosis in an experimental use of thiotriasoline. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (1), 30–37. https://doi.org/10.15674/0030-59872009130-37

