The distraction technique for bone defect replacement when treating bone tumours of the lower extremities


  • Anatoliy Dedkov



bone tumors, distraction reconstruction


The Ilizarov’s distraction method for replacing bone defects was employed in 25 patients with bone tumours. It was shown that the distraction technique of bone defect reconstruction was contraindicated for patients, who had tumours with a high grade of malignancy, because it increased a number of local relapses, but could be used for bone defect reconstruction in patients with a low grade of their tumour malignancy. The technique of distraction reconstruction of bone defects can be employed as alternative to amputations, as well as after unsuccessful (complicated) arthroplasty for tumours with a low grade of malignancy.


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How to Cite

Dedkov, A. (2010). The distraction technique for bone defect replacement when treating bone tumours of the lower extremities. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (1), 33–36.

