The classification and diagnosis of lumbopelvic pains in pregnant women


  • Oleksandr Prodan
  • Konstantin Berenov
  • Volodymyr Staude
  • Olena Karpinska



pregnancy, lumbar-pelvic pain, classification


The known definitions and classifications of lumbopelvic pain (LPP) in pregnant women describe only or mostly the pain localization, but do not reveal its essence. The article contains materials concerning the improvement of the clinical classification of LPP in pregnancy and diagnostic evaluation of clinical syndromes and provocative tests on the basis of the study of protocols of clinical examinations of pregnant women, who took medical advice for their LPP (group A, n = 76), and a group of healthy pregnant women without LPP (group B, n = 25). The suggested classification reflects the modern level of knowledge about the essence of LPP and, as the knowledge improves, can be supplemented and modified. In order to improve the quality of LPP diagnosis in pregnancy, it is necessary to use at least 3-5 of the most informative clinical syndromes and provocative tests.


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How to Cite

Prodan, O., Berenov, K., Staude, V., & Karpinska, O. (2010). The classification and diagnosis of lumbopelvic pains in pregnant women. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (1), 17–22.

