The anatomic-functional state of the ankle joint after treatment of Pilon fractures


  • Ivan Trufanov



Pilon fractures, roengenometry, malleolar angle, relapse deformities


Pilon fractures are difficult for treatment and unfavourable for prediction. The purpose of the present work was to assess the extent of anatomic-functional disorders in the ankle joint after Pilon fractures, which were treated in different ways. The materials and methods were as follows: remote results were studied in 38 patients; radiometric indices, which characterized the geometrical shape of articular surfaces, were examined. The following result was obtained: the coaxiality of articular surface rings after union of fragments could be affected. Kinds of disturbances in the joint geometry were isolated. Radiological changes in the shape of the ankle joint were examined in correlation with its function. Analysis of the results showed that in conditions of a deformity of the articular surface in the form of steps sized 1-2 mm later there was further remodelling due to regeneration of the cartilage. The function of sliding of the articular surfaces was preserved, but with a smaller range.


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How to Cite

Trufanov, I. (2012). The anatomic-functional state of the ankle joint after treatment of Pilon fractures. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (2), 74–79.

