Chondroplasty of cartilage defects in the knee joint (a literature review)


  • Maksim Golovakha



сhondroplasty, articular cartilage defects


A complex structure and a high specialization of the normal cartilaginous tissue make the prospect of its restoration or replacement rather vague. The rate of occurrence of asymptomatic damages is unknown, it is impossible to predict any further destruction of the cartilage. Only after a through examination of the patient with assessment of all disorders in his/her knee joint it is possible to understand the nature of the articular cartilage destruction and hence choose the correct medical tactics. Articular cartilage defects have been a medical problem during several centuries. Recent successes in cartilage restoration resulted from a thorough selection of patients, exact planning and performance of combined operations for restoration of the extremity axis and stability of the ligamentous apparatus.


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How to Cite

Golovakha, M. (2010). Chondroplasty of cartilage defects in the knee joint (a literature review). ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 125–129.

