Our tactics of outpatient treatment of fractures of distal metaepiphyses of the forearm bones





fractures of distal metaepiphysis of the forearm, quality of rendering primary traumatological aid, classification of injuries, evaluation criteria for reposition quality


The article deals with the problem of rendering primary traumatological aid at outpatient establishments (traumatological stations and polyclinics) in the City of Kharkiv in cases of injuries of the distal forearm metaepiphysis (DFME). The purpose of the work was to improve the quality of rendering the first outpatient aid in case of DFME injuries. The material consisted of 508 outpatient case histories from archives of three medical-preventive establishments, of which the authors managed to analyse 279 cases (the rest did not have radiograms). Initial and comparison radiograms were assessed. It was revealed that the quality of reposition did not meet the universally recognized criteria in 188 (67.5 %) of 279 patients. In most cases it was caused by absence of the uniform tactics for treating DFME. It is reasonable to develop standards of treatment for DFME fractures and introduce these standards into medical practice of the outpatient service in the City ofKharkivas well as to use simple classifications, which take into account tactical and prognostic aspects of such injuries.


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How to Cite

Korzh, M., Sorokolat, Y., Bets, G., & Bets, I. (2010). Our tactics of outpatient treatment of fractures of distal metaepiphyses of the forearm bones. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 108–111. https://doi.org/10.15674/0030-598720103108-111

