Frequency differences and correlation dependences of morphological indices of the state of tissues in aneurismal osteocystomata


  • Valeriy Hryhorovskyi
  • Yuriy Guk
  • Andrey Roslavtsev



aneurismal bone cysts, histological peculiarities of focus tissues, morphological characteristics of tissue state, analysis of frequencies, correlation dependences


The purpose of the present research was as follows: on the basis of an analysis of biopsic-histological material, to reveal peculiarities of morphological changes, which are observed in lesion foci in cases of primary and recurrent aneurismal bone cysts (ABC), to determine differences in frequency of pathological changes with different intensity and correlation dependences between separate morphological indices in comparison groups. Tissues of 94 resectates from bone lesion foci of sick children and adolescents served as the material for this study. It was found out that ABC was a tumour-like osteodestructive lesion with a cyclic course, characterized by persisting blood disturbances, a high resorptive-proliferative activity, dystrophic changes as well as pathological (atypical) and reparative osteogenesis in the tissue of capsular-septal structures. As a result of the conducted clinical-morphological study, different frequencies of cases with different intensity of morphological indices in ABC comparison groups and subgroups were revealed: primary – recurrent, non-juxtaphyseal – juxtaphyseal, and the cysts which did or did not recur later after their surgical treatment. Correlation dependencies between separate morphological indices were detected, with determination of the parameters, sign and reliability of association factor values.


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How to Cite

Hryhorovskyi, V., Guk, Y., & Roslavtsev, A. (2012). Frequency differences and correlation dependences of morphological indices of the state of tissues in aneurismal osteocystomata. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 59–70.

