Diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of the local post-amputation pain syndrome in the lower extremity
amputation of lower extremity, pain syndromeAbstract
On the basis of the examination of 815 patients, the rate and structure of various clinical forms of pain in amputation stumps of the lower extremities were studied. New forms of local pain syndrome in amputation stumps of the lower extremities were described: osteomyodystrophic syndrome, fibular stump syndrome, tunnel neuropathies, chronic compartment syndrome. It was found out that chronic compartment syndrome, tunnel neuropathies and fibular stump syndrome developed under the influence of prosthetics with underlying violations in the amputation technique and local circulation disorders, while osteomyodystrophic syndrome was attributed to the amputation cause, the character of the amputation plasty, peculiarities in the postamputation period course, and terms of prosthetics. Methods for diagnosing, treating and preventing the above clinical forms of local pain syndrome were suggested.
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