Peculiarities of the osteoreparative process in implanting composites based on lactides and glycolids with different contents of tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyl apatite


  • Volodymyr Radchenko
  • Ninel Dedukh
  • Svitlana Malyshkina
  • Lyudmila Bengus
  • Inna Batura
  • Gennadiy Popov



composite, lactides, glycolids, hydroxyl apatite, tricalcium phosphate, implantation, osteoreparation, biodegradation


The osteoreparative process, which takes place when composites on the basis of lactides and glycolids in combination with hydroxyl apatite and tricalcium phosphate are implanted into a defect of the distal femoral metaphysis, was experimentally studied on white laboratory rats. Also, biodegradation of the composites was studied. It was found out that hydroxyl apatite delayed biodegradation of the composites, but imparted osteoconductive properties to them. Tricalcium phosphate rapidly degraded and was characterized with pronounced osteoconductivity. A high content of a polymer substance in a composition with a small amount (30 %) of tricalcium phosphate was accompanied by delayed osteogenesis.


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How to Cite

Radchenko, V., Dedukh, N., Malyshkina, S., Bengus, L., Batura, I., & Popov, G. (2010). Peculiarities of the osteoreparative process in implanting composites based on lactides and glycolids with different contents of tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyl apatite. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 15–21.

