Clinical picture, diagnosis and surgical treatment of old damages of tibiofibular syndesmosis (a review of literature)


  • Dmytro Yaremenko
  • Dmytro Yershov
  • Oleg Yaremenko



talocrural joint, tibiofibular syndesmosis, diagnostics, surgery


Anatomic-functional peculiarities of tibiofibular syndesmosis and its part in the preservation of functional stability of the ankle joint, as well as anatomic deviations in the joint in cases of neglected damages of tibiofibular syndesmosis, are analysed. Clinical, radiological and tomographic criteria for the objective assessment of the tibiofibular junction, as well as modern tendencies in surgical treatment of neglected damages of tibiofibular syndesmosis, are elucidated.


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How to Cite

Yaremenko, D., Yershov, D., & Yaremenko, O. (2012). Clinical picture, diagnosis and surgical treatment of old damages of tibiofibular syndesmosis (a review of literature). ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (4), 129–136.

