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Author Guidelines

The editors of the journal “Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Prosthetics” accept  articles in Ukrainian and English for publication. The following items certified by seal should be provided in PDF format:

– the article signed by all authors;

– referral from the institution where the study was performed, with the conclusion of the anti-plagiarism commission along with the results of the program;

– expert opinion of the institution regarding the possibility of publishing the material.

The researchers should include a declaration of any conflict of interest (financial support, grants, etc.) in the manuscript upon submission.

The electronic version of these materials should be sent to:

The text of the article should be created in landscape mode in A4 format, line spacing — 1.5,      margins — 2 cm on all sides, TNR font 14 pt.

The first page should include the title of the article in Ukrainian and English, surname, first name, patronymic of each of the authors, full name of the institution, city and country. In addition, it is necessary to provide contact information (phone, e-mail) of each co-author, as well as the academic title and ORCID.

A structured abstract (up to 2,200 printed characters, including spaces) in Ukrainian and English should contain: introduction, purpose, methods, results, conclusions. Each abstract must be accompanied by keywords (from 3 to 8) in the appropriate language.

The volume of the original article should not exceed 15 pages of printed text, the review article should not exceed 20 pages; cases from practice — 10.

‒ ORIGINAL, REVIEW ARTICLES AND CASES FROM PRACTICE should contain the following sections: introduction, purpose, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, conflict of interest, list of references.

‒ INTRODUCTION makes up 10–15% of the article. It determines the relevance of the research, reflects the studied and unstudied aspects of the problem, and substantiates the purpose of the article. In the introduction (and in the article in general) there should be references to the works of researchers on this problem, which were published in the last 5 years in leading domestic and foreign editions, magazines, first of all, indexed in Web of Science or Scopus. You should not cite 5 authors in a row at the end of a sentence, as each work is original. If you refer to reviews (meta-analyses), you should specify this.

‒ PURPOSE of the study is given at the end of the introduction

‒ MATERIALS AND METHODS should be concise and clear, contain information about the type of research, the term of its implementation; distribution of objects into groups, their quantitative and age composition; inclusion/exclusion criteria, etc. For original articles, it is desirable to provide diagrams of the research design or a detailed description for the possibility of its reproduction. The applied modern methods, including statistical analysis, should be indicated separately. In this section, provide a reference to compliance with ethical standards (full name of the committee, number and date of the protocol, information on informed consent, etc.)

‒ RESULTS should be concise, clearly and logically stated, well illustrated. The data given in the figures and tables should not be duplicated in the text. Medical terms should be given according to the current nomenclature (anatomical, histological, ICD-10), physical quantities and units in conformity with the International System of Units (SI), used abbreviations should be explained in the text. Statistical results should be given to compare the groups.

‒ DISCUSSION is a comparison of the obtained results with the data of other authors (15-20 papers). The authors should explore similar studies, determine the relevance of theirs and explain the reasons for differences. References to one's own studies can only be used so as not to duplicate results that are given earlier and are necessary for the discussion. The authors should specify limitations of their research and results that can be used in practice.

‒ CONCLUSIONS state the main achievements of the study, making clear their scientific novelty and possibility of practical use.


‒ REFERENCES in the text should be put in square brackets. List of references should include sources for the last five years and be arranged in the order of mentioning in the text. Bibliographic description should be compiled in accordance with the ARA style. 

Illustrations (no more than five) should be submitted electronically. Each drawing is a separate file in TIFF format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, and line drawings at least 600 dpi. Illustrations inserted into a Word document are not accepted by the editor. Graphs, diagrams, photos must be clear and suitable for reproduction. The authors should determine location of illustrations in the text of the article. The degree of magnification must be indicated in the captions for microphotographs. Tables, if there are more than one, are numbered. Each table should have a name that reflects its content. The place of the table and its serial number should be indicated in the text.

Authors should duplicate their surname, first name, place of work, e-mail, keywords, list of references in English for citation in scientometric databases.

In addition to scientific articles, the Journal publishes materials on the history of medicine, discussion articles on various problems of the specialty, reports on congresses and conferences, articles on the exchange of experience, reviews, advertising materials, biographical essays, anniversaries, obituaries, etc. For these materials, an official referral from the institution and an expert opinion are not required.

All articles are peer-reviewed (detailed in the “Review Process” section). The article may be returned to the authors for revision. The editors reserve the right to make corrections of a scientific and stylistic nature, as well as reductions, without violating the content of the author's original.

Articles printed earlier or sent in parallel to another journal (compendium) are not accepted by the editorial office. Authors are not paid a fee.


Theoretical and practical programme aspects of orthopaedics, traumatology and prosthetics (diagnosis, prophylaxis, treatment, rehabilitation), medical-biological and medical-technical aspects of the speciality.


Theoretical and practical aspects of osteosynthesis (including biological ones).


Promotion of the best practices in organization, prevention, diagnosis, therapeutic and surgical tactics and rehabilitation.


Information about unusual clinical cases, results of rare observations, experiments.


Publications, which bring up certain kinds of ambiguous problems of the speciality and require public discussions.


Lecture materials and recommendations on separate of nosologіеs for medical practitioners.


Scientific data summarizing articles, reviews of monographs, textbooks and manuals.


Extended information about symposia, congresses, meetings, conferences, etc.


Comments or responses of readers on materials, published in the journal.


Information about rational approaches in atypical situations, new methods, devices and appliances.


Urgent problems of epidemiology, rendering of orthopaedic-traumatological aid, prevention of disability and training of personnel.


Historical landmarks of the speciality.


Materials, dealing with anniversary dates of scientists, organizations and scientific schools.


Publications on the occasion of deaths of outstanding scientists in this field.


Materials on ethics of scientific researches, experiments and treatment.


Information about work of regional associations (societies) of the Ukrainian Association of Orthopaedic Traumatologists.


Information about new books on orthopaedics and traumatology.

Privacy Statement

The surnames, names of institutions / enterprises, e-mail addresses provided by the authors are used by the editors only for the purpose specified in the rules for authors. They may not be transferred or used for any other purpose.

Materials submitted for consideration and not published may not be used without the written consent of the author (s).

The information and conclusions generated during the review should remain confidential and not be used.

The manuscript is not submitted to reviewers in the event of a conflict of interest due to competitive, joint or other relationships with one of the authors, institutions, enterprises that are related to the submitted work.