The bone tissue: a natural nanostructure. A view of the problem (review of literature)


  • Ivan Chekman
  • Marta Korpan
  • Oleksandr Buryanov
  • Vera Shatorna
  • Andrey Doroshenko
  • Maksim Zagorodnyy
  • Veronika Fialka-Mozer



bone tissue, nanostructure, nanocomposite, collagen, implants, tissue engineering


Diseases and injuries can result in large bone tissue defects, which are replaced with bone grafts or eliminated with help of osteosynthesis. The studies show that in order to receive the optimum results of treatment it is necessary that implants and mechanical devices should maximally correspond to the nanostructural organization and complex physiological relationships in the bone tissue. This is due to the fact that the bone is a highly structured nanocomposite, which consists of organic and inorganic nanofibres and nanoparticles. The article generalizes data about the structure and main processes in the bone at the nanolevel as well as modern trends in restoring bone tissue defects with use of nanotechnologies.


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How to Cite

Chekman, I., Korpan, M., Buryanov, O., Shatorna, V., Doroshenko, A., Zagorodnyy, M., & Fialka-Mozer, V. (2011). The bone tissue: a natural nanostructure. A view of the problem (review of literature). ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (4), 105–110.

