Mathematical analysis of conditions for appearance of the hip joint instability in different anatomical structural deviations of the proximal femur and acetabulum


  • Ivan Zelenetsky
  • Oleksandr Yaresko



hip joint instability, muscles’ disbalance, mathematical analysis


A relation between changes in parameters of the femoral, pelvic bones and actions of the hip joint (HJ) muscles was assessed on two mathematical models: I — a deviation in the neck-shaft angle (NSA) and a variation of the acetabular index (AI): II — changes in angles of antetorsia (AA) of the proximal femur and frontal inclination of the acetabulum (AFIA) with regard for action of HJ muscles. It was revealed that a change of several anatomical parameters of HJ resulted in a force disbalance, which subsequently caused instability of the joint in the form of its disaxiation, decen­tration and disarticulation. A deviation of two parameters from their normal values resulted in a greater instability in HJ than a deviation of one parameter. The muscles which destabilized the joint most of all were as follows: in changes of NSA and AI — m. pectineus, m. adductor longus, m. adductor brevis, m. adductor magnus, m. biceps femoris; in changes of AA and AFIA — m. gluteus medius, m. gluteus minimus and m. tensor fasciae latae. Changes in anatomical parameters of TJ and a destabilizing effect of the muscles should be taken into account during surgical treatment.


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How to Cite

Zelenetsky, I., & Yaresko, O. (2011). Mathematical analysis of conditions for appearance of the hip joint instability in different anatomical structural deviations of the proximal femur and acetabulum. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (4), 81–85.

