Study of the strained-deformed state of a nonunion fracture model of the distal femoral metaepiphysis in different variants of its fixation


  • Grigoriy Golka
  • Anton Bilostotskiy
  • Igor Subbota
  • Valeriy Sukhoveckiy
  • Oleg Fadeyev



mathematical modelling, finite element method, nonunion in the distal femoral metaepiphysis


In their study the authors received data about strain distribution and values of fragment movement in a nonunion fracture model of the distal femoral metaepiphysis in conditions of three types of its fixations: with a blocked intramedullary rod, a plate with angle stability, and a plate with a 95 degree blade plate. The contact area between fragments was 50%. The load application area corresponded to the natural load on the femur in a standing position and during flexion in the knee joint. A variant of rotation loading was examined too.


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How to Cite

Golka, G., Bilostotskiy, A., Subbota, I., Sukhoveckiy, V., & Fadeyev, O. (2011). Study of the strained-deformed state of a nonunion fracture model of the distal femoral metaepiphysis in different variants of its fixation. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (4), 72–80.

