Interaction of the femoral stump with the prosthesis sleeve and some clinical-physiological aspects for optimizing volume parameters of the sleeve


  • Igor Timofeev
  • Igor Karpenko
  • Katerina Jakuba



sleeve of femur, prosthesis, pressure in the sleeve


Subjective assessments of the basic link, which influences both the quality of prosthetic management and the subsequent clinical condition of a stump – sleeve of a prosthesis, as well as absence of methodological recommendations on plaster modelling in the available literature necessitate solution of the problem of determining the optimum ratio between volumes of the thigh stump and the prosthesis sleeve, which would provide a sufficient fixing of the sleeve on the stump and would not affect the normal clinical condition of the stump tissues.


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How to Cite

Timofeev, I., Karpenko, I., & Jakuba, K. (2011). Interaction of the femoral stump with the prosthesis sleeve and some clinical-physiological aspects for optimizing volume parameters of the sleeve. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (4), 55–58.

