Microbiological and serological indices in patients with aseptic instability of elements of a hip joint endoprosthesis and their diagnostic assessment


  • Svitlana Bidnenko
  • Olga Lyutko
  • Lyudmyla Riabokon
  • Katerina Vitrak
  • Olexiy Sulima




aseptic instability of endoprosthesis, microflora of periprosthetic tissues, antibiotic susceptibility, diagnostic criterions


The article deals with detection of the rate and species composition of causative agents of a latent infection or contamination of periprosthetic tissues of the hip joint with revealing of their antibiotic sensitivity. Microorganisms were found in 43.5% of patients in cultures and in 65.2% of cases by means of microscopes. Microflora was presented by Gram-positive microorganisms: coagulase-negative staphylococci, including those with SCVs phenotype, catalase-negative cocci of Gemella spp. genus, coryneforms, which were identical in different samples from the same patient. A high individually different sensitivity to antibiotics and a high resistance of the revealed species of microorganisms to methicillin are shown. The information value of patients’ blood serum as to dynamics and level of antibodies to the revealed cultures was assessed. Such concepts as «infection» and «contamination» of tissues around the unstable component of the endoprosthesis were clearly differentiated depending upon the intensity of indices.


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How to Cite

Bidnenko, S., Lyutko, O., Riabokon, L., Vitrak, K., & Sulima, O. (2011). Microbiological and serological indices in patients with aseptic instability of elements of a hip joint endoprosthesis and their diagnostic assessment. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 56–59. https://doi.org/10.15674/0030-59872011356-59

