Тreatment of long bones comminuted fractures using external fixation device


  • Valeriy Litvishko




comminuted fractures, diaphyseal fractures, long bones of the limbs, length of injury zone of injury, rod device, periosteal regenerate


Comminuted fractures consist 35 % out of all diaphysial frac­tures and require special consideration.

Objective: to deter­mine the features treatment of comminuted diaphyseal frac­tures of extremities and evaluate the results.

Methods: we treated 63 patients — 65 comminuted diaphyseal fractures of the limbs types B and C by AO classification (7 humerus, femur 18, tibia 35, forearm 3). The length of the zone of damage was 12–20 % of the general bone length in 26 cases, 21-30 % — in 23, 30 % or more — in 16. To fix fractures rod apparatus used. The main thought axial relationships restoration, allow­ing the residual offset the width ½–⅔ in diameter. A few days later began loading dose and gradually drove him to complete within 2–2.5 months.

Results: rod device fixation of the femur was from 100 to 236 days, shoulder — from 64 to 126, lower leg bones — from 116 to 278, forearm — from 102 to 158 in 4 (6.1 %) patients with comminuted zone bone destruction of more than 30 % of its length nonunion fragments found after 4 months. They underwent autographing keeping in the place the same fixation device, then union reached. All patients fractures healed with the formation of periosteal bone regenerate. A sig­nificant limitation of function of the knee or ankle joints were in 4 (6.1 %) patients, when fracture zone extended toward me­taepiphyses.

Conclusions: in a case of comminuted diaphyseal fractures of limbs length zone of injury may affect the duration of healing. When it exceeds 30 % of the length of the segment and extends to metaephyses, increases the likelihood for non­union at diaphyseal level. Sparing of periosteal tissue provides the conditions for the formation of periosteal regenerate, which covers the area of damage.


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How to Cite

Litvishko, V. (2017). Тreatment of long bones comminuted fractures using external fixation device. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (4), 40–46. https://doi.org/10.15674/0030-59872016440-46

