Surgical treatment of proximal femur osteoporotic fractures (literature review)
proximal femur, osteoporosis, trochanteric fracture, osteosynthesis, joint replacement, monopolar joint replacementAbstract
Proximal femur fractures is the complex medical-social problem because of prevalence in the elderly patients and is related to the most dangerous complications of osteoporosis. Difficulties in the treatment of trochanteric fractures in the patients of this category not related only to osteoporotic changes, but to comorbities. Epidimeology, classification, treatment principles of proximal femur in the elderly patients are presented in this work. It is noted, that determination of the bone density is the main volume for the fracture risk prediction in the elderly patients, decreasing of the bone mass burdens the course of traumatological and orthopedic pathology. As the result of scientific publications analyses, we revealed debatable questions in the treatment of the elderly patients. At present, active surgical tactic is the most recognized, however, in spite of the implants manifold, precise indications for the definitive implant application and osteosynthesis methods are not well defined, especially in the light of the age aspect. Problems of the early rehabilitation for the weight bearing and motion, improving and preservation of the somatic status, lethality decreasing, demand further specification. In-depth studies are necessary for the determination of the differentiated osteosynthesis choice and treatment technology optimization for the improving of the surgical treatment in elderly patients with extraarticular proximal femur fractures. Perspective directions in the treatment of the extraarticular proximal femur fractures in the elderly patients are extracted.
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