Use of Klexan drug for preventing thrombembolia in spinal surgery


  • Volodymyr Radchenko
  • Vladyslav Tuliakov
  • Oleksandr Levshin
  • Oleksandr Sirenko



anticoagulant, klexan, prevention of thromboembolism


The article describes experience of using Klexan drug, manufactured by SANOFI AVENTIS Company, with preventive daily doses of 40 mg in the surgical practice of the Vertebrology Department of the Institute, where 414 patients were operated in 2009. Results of the study showed higher values of excellent and good results and a reduction of unsatisfactory ones.


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How to Cite

Radchenko, V., Tuliakov, V., Levshin, O., & Sirenko, O. (2011). Use of Klexan drug for preventing thrombembolia in spinal surgery. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (2), 90–93.

