Custom-made modular endoprosthetic replacement in treating malignant tumours of upper extremity bones


  • Oleg Vyrva
  • Victor Burlaka
  • Dmytro Mikhanovsky



bones of upper limbs, tumors, endoprosthesis replacement


Results of treatment of 41 patients with primary and secondary neoplastic lesions of their upper extremity bones were analysed. Custom-made modular endoprosthetic replacement was performed in 31 cases of 41 initial surgeries. Oncological and functional results of surgical treatments and the structure of early and late oncological and surgical complications are submitted. The results of custom-made modular endoprosthetic replacement make it possible to prefer this method in complex treatment of oncological orthopaedic patients.


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How to Cite

Vyrva, O., Burlaka, V., & Mikhanovsky, D. (2011). Custom-made modular endoprosthetic replacement in treating malignant tumours of upper extremity bones. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (2), 71–75.

