Radiological characteristic of meniscal pathology with different genesis


  • Elena Baburkina
  • Olena Karpinska



roentgenometer of meniscal pathology, meniscogenic syndrome conditioned by the inherited predisposition


The authors examine three kinds of meniscal pathology depending upon its genesis: traumatic, pathic and dysplastic; the latter was called «hereditarily predisposed meniscogenic syndrome» (HPMS). A comparative statistical characteristic is given for radiological signs of the knee joint structure in meniscal pathology of different genesis, and it is proved that HPMS (direct and indirect) is characterized by an affection of an abnormal or normal meniscus in the dysplastic knee joint. Traumatic and pathic meniscal pathology develops in a normal (according to its anatomical structure) knee joint. Different kinds of meniscal pathology may combine.


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How to Cite

Baburkina, E., & Karpinska, O. (2011). Radiological characteristic of meniscal pathology with different genesis. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (2), 48–54.

