Pathomorphological changes in skeletal muscles and dependences of some clinical, electrophysiological and morphological indices in patients with damaged nerves of an upper extremity
upper extremity, pathologic changes of muscles, traumatic denervation of musclesAbstract
The purpose of the present work was to reveal relationships between some signs of muscular injuries on the basis of determination of qualitative-semiquantitative pathomorphological changes and degrees of their intensity in skeletal muscle biopsies from patients with sequelae of an injury of nerves of their upper extremity. The study involved 36 biopsies from 26 patients; besides common methods of histological slice staining, the authors used muscle fibre typing for determining ATPase activity in frozen sections with certain pH values. All the biopsies histologically revealed a complex of pathological changes in muscles, these changes determining its structural-functional insufficiency and their rate; side by side with atrophic-dystrophic changes, there was type-grouping of muscle fibres and fibrotic-substitutional changes, which within the framework of this research mostly had high or moderate degrees. Parameters of correlation between basic graded morphological signs of pathological changes in muscles with affected innervation were found out, as well as parameters of relations between clinical data, electromyographic and morphological signs of muscles in patients, who had sequelae of nerve injuries.
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