A radiological description of bone tissue regeneration in intraosseal distraction osteosynthesis with driving devices. Recommended modes of distraction
bone regeneration, intraosseous distraction osteosynthesis, driving devices, femur, tibia, periosteal reactionAbstract
Radiological development in the formation of distraction regenerate in the process of intraosseal distraction osteosynthesis was analysed and optimum distraction modes with driving devices were recommended.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Volodymyr Dragan, Mykhaylo Andrianov, Larisa Goncharova, Andrey Tkach, Andrey Plotkin, Olexey Shpuntov, Pavlo Fedulichev, Olexiy Herman, Andrey Daniluk, Andrey Kuznetsov

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