The microstructure of the long bones in rats — descendants gestational stressed mothers under conditions of hypokinesia


  • Loreanna Sergienko



stress in pregnant, offsprings, hypokinesia, bone tissue


High percentage of the children in mothers who received ges­tational stress already at a young age suffer from hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, i.e. prenatally programmed adult diseases. Wherein it leaves unclear character of stress influence in pregnant women on fetal skeletal formation and characteristics of the microstructure of the bones in offsprings out of such mothers.

Objective: To determine the microstructure of bone tissue in female rats whose mothers had subjected to gestational stress in condition of functional rest and under additional stressing by means of hypokinesia.

Methods: Modeling of socio-emotional stress in pregnant rats during the first trimester of pregnancy, getting the offsprings in 12 months of age and reproduction of hypokinesia in half of them. We examined femurs using methods of histology.

Results: While pathomorphological examination it was found that in offsprings from intact mothers microstructure of егигдфк bones in all their parts was unchanged. In offsprings from stressed mothers in metaphyseal cancellous bone trabeculae there were revealed marked signs of violated osteogenesis and accelerated bone resorption. In the cortex of the femur in these descendants there were found osteons with irregular shape, rem­nants of fragmentary structures, widened channels of osteons. Hypokinesia in descendants of intact mothers did not cause any significant effect on the microstructure of the femur. At the same time after hypokinezia in offspring of stressed mothers there were obsrved signs of destruction as a spongy tissue (trabecular thinning, widening of bone marrow spaces, violation of the trabecular mesh) and compact bone tissue (resorption according to canalicular type, foci of lysis, uneven coloring of matrix). Conclusion: As a result of hypokinesia in the offspring of embrionally stressed mothers structure of the bone tissue violates. They constitute a group of risk on osteopenia developing and require attention to processes of the skeleton formation.


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How to Cite

Sergienko, L. (2015). The microstructure of the long bones in rats — descendants gestational stressed mothers under conditions of hypokinesia. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 51–54.

