Trabecular bone score in clinical practice (review)
mark of quality, trabecular bone tissue, age, fracturesAbstract
Osteoporosis is a common systemic disease of the skeleton having significant medical and social consequences. In recent years new diagnostic methods which help to determine the risk and early bone loss in groups of population develop. Thus in 2006 the company «Med-Imaps» (Bordeaux, France) patented a new method «TBS Insight»for assessment the mark of quality of trabecular bone tissue (TBS - trabecular bone score) on the lumbar spine (LI–LIV ). The authors analyzed specific information on using of TBS index in clinical practice. It is proved that age has a significant impact on the variability of TBS index. It was shown correlation between TBS index and osteoporotic vertebral fractures, femoral neck fractures and fractures in other sites in postmenopausal women. The results of studies of the effect of various drugs on TBS index were presented. The article also presents the results of research carried out on the basis of Ukrainian scientific and medical center of problems of osteoporosis. There was established significant(p = 0,0003) decline of TBS index (LI–LIV) with age in women living in Ukraine. Significant changes in TBS index (LI–LIV) were observed in women at earlier postmenopausal period – after 4 years or more while changes in bone mineral density were determined in women with postmenopausal duration of 7 years or more. Conclusion: Mark of quality of trabecular bone is independent and has important diagnostic value in analysis of structural and functional state of bone tissue.
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