Mathematical modeling of interbody fusion on the cervical spine
mathematical modeling, finite element method, anterior interbody fusion, cervical rigid constructs, cervical dynamic constructionAbstract
Mathematical modeling with method of finite element analysis is widely used in experimental studies of the cervical spine. The scientific literature presents advantages and disadvantages of cervical rigid constructions (CRC) and cervical dynamic constructions (CDC). Objective: to study the stress-strain state of the finite-element model of the cervical functional spinal units CIII/СVII when modeling bi-level anterior interbody fusion CIV/CVI by means of vertical cylindrical mesh implants, and RC and hybrid DC. Methods: A newly developed mathematical model of the cervical functional spinal units CIII/СVII consists of 33,590 ten-noded izoparametrical finite elements and has 55,163 nodes. Bi-level anterior interbody fusion we modeled using prototypes of cervical plates and vertical cylindrical mesh implants developed at the SI «Sytenko Institute for Spine and Joints Pathology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine». Results: When using CRC versus CDC there were found significantly higher levels of Mises stresses on the cranial and caudal terminal cartilage plates of CIV vertebral body, pedicles of CIV and CVI, laminas of CIV, in perifocal bone tissue in the area of screws in cranial part of the plate and teeth at cranial and caudal parts of the construction, actually in the construction, and reduction of the Mises stresses — at the pedicles of CV . In case of using of CDC we noticed increasing value of the Mises stresses at the pedicles of CV , in perifocal bone tissue in the area of screws in caudal part of the plate and on the teeth of the central part of the plate, and decreasing of them in the entire construction and restored interbody pillar. Conclusion: The stress shielding phenomenon was confirmed upon condition of CRC using and was found more optimal distribution of load in biomechanical system «functional spinal units — implants» in case of CDC using.References
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