Modeling of processes for vertical posture support


  • Olexiy Tyazhelov
  • Volodymyr Fischenko
  • Stanislav Iaremyn
  • Mykhaylo Karpinsky
  • Olena Karpinska



human posture, mus culoskeletal system, statography


Study the mechanisms for regulation of human posture is one of the urgent tasks of physiology of movement. This is due to significance of the results of research for development of methods for diagnosis and treatment of various disorders of the central nervous system (CNS) and the musculoskeletal system (MSS) as well as to theoreti cal elaborations concerning the general principles of organization of control of person’s movement. Objective: To conceptually deter   mine the role of statogram as a result of interaction of the CNS and the execution system (ES) in the evaluation of the MSS function. Results: Based on the analysis of existing physiological models for maintaining of equilibrium there was developed a conceptual model of interaction between the CNS and the MSS for the person in maintaining upright posture. The system approach to the dif ferential assessment of the MSS on the basis of statography was proposed. The research process can be divided into three stages: I — definition of anthropometric parameters of the patient (weight, height, length of segments, bearing surface of feet); II — registra tion of movement of the common center of mass in the patient with natural  standing,  and  the  correlation  of  these  parameters  with the anthropometric data; III — study with using disturbances that meet location of the lesion, its nature and extent. The conclusion about the state of the MSS is formed on the basis of a comparative analysis of the results obtained in the second and third stages of the study. Conclusion: There were developed a conceptual model of the process of maintaining upright human posture as a system of automated management and justified the general direction of statographic studies when assessing the MSS function. Applying of methods of disturbances at statographic studies that allow to activate the affected elements of the MSS or block compensatory mechanisms was substantiated.


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How to Cite

Tyazhelov, O., Fischenko, V., Iaremyn, S., Karpinsky, M., & Karpinska, O. (2015). Modeling of processes for vertical posture support. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (1), 42–49.

