A mathematical model of the pelvis for calculation of its stress-strain state
pelvis, mathematical modeling, acetabulum, finite element analysis, stress-strain stateAbstract
Recently for improving techniques of operations in orthopedics and traumatology they widely used mathematical modeling. Need of this presented work is due to the lack of studies of the stress-strain state (SSS) of pelvic bones in terms of modeling of the whole pelvic ring. Objective: using mathematical modeling to study the impact of SSS on separate parts of the pelvis. Methods: A geometric model of pelvis was developed at the biomechanical laboratory of the SI «Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine», Kharkivbased on techniques for creating models by geometric sections obtained from tomographic images. There were taken into account some ties subjected tension while standing on one leg. The model was built in the program SolidWorks, and calculations were made using the program ANSYS. For evaluation of SSS Mises stresses were selected. For comparison of SSS there were studied three models of pelvic bones. Results: it was revealed that acetabulum and sacroiliac joint are the most strenuous parts for all models. When modeling the pubic symphysis it was found decreasing of the stress state in the front section of the acetabulum to 4.3 MPa (10.2 MPa for model A) and a slight increasing — 15.8 MPa (13.1 MPa for model A). For the model there was established raising of SSS in front of the acetabulum (14.1 MPa) and decreasing (9.3 MPa) in the area of the sacroiliac joint in comparison with model A. Conclusion: The use of a comprehensive model of the pelvis with all its components makes it possible to accurately reflect SSS in comparison to previously used models and assess the impact of certain items of pelvic ring on SSS of its individual parts.
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