Characterization of articular syndrome under conditions of psoriatic arthropathy, opportunities of different imaging techniques


  • Galyna Protsenko
  • Viktoriia Kachur



psoriatic arthropathy, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography, radiography


The variability of the clinical picture of psoriatic arthritis, commonality with other diseases of the joints creates great difficulties in the way of timeous diagnostics of this pathology. Objective: To study peculiarities of articular syndrome, the diagnostic value of radiography, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography in patients with psoriatic arthropathy. Methods: 100 patients with psoriatic arthritis with severe articular syndrome, combined with the typical lesions of the skin, scalp or psoriatic onihodystrophy were included in this study. Patients underwent radiological, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging of the joints. Results: It was found that distal parts of the hands and feet are the most common localizations of articular syndrome in patients with psoriatic arthritis. In men, the number of affected joints was reliably higher than that of women, and psoriatic arthritis predominates. In patients under 40 years lesion of the distal portions of the hands and feet dominates, and for patients over 60 years polyarthritic option is more typical. According to the radiological study in 72 % of patients fitted inflammatory changes in joints, and in 28 % of them — associated degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory changes. Magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography diagnosed thinning or thickening of the hyaline cartilage as well as tendons on the background of tendovaginitis. Advantages of magnetic resonance imaging comparing to sonography has not been established. Conclusions: In patients with psoriatic arthropathy screening method is radiography. To assess the state of hyaline cartilage and tendons an MRI or sonography of joints should be given although magnetic resonance imaging has no any advantages comparing to ultrasonography.


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How to Cite

Protsenko, G., & Kachur, V. (2014). Characterization of articular syndrome under conditions of psoriatic arthropathy, opportunities of different imaging techniques. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 48–54.

