Effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy during the treatment of patients with orthopedic and traumatological upper limbs diseases (literature review)
Shock wave therapy, orthopedic and traumatological diseases of the upper extremities, conservative treatment, tendinitis, tendinopathy, fractureAbstract
This method of conservative treatment of orthopedic and traumatological conditions diseases, such as extracorporeal shock
wave therapy (ESWT) has been gaining popularity in recent years. Objective. Review modern (for the last 5 years) sources
of literature on the use of ESWT in the treatment of ortopedotraumatic diseases of the upper limbs. Methods. Publications
from the search system Google, PubMed, Medline and other relevant sources scientific and medical information with the indication of the subject method and the most common orthopedic and traumatological of diseases of the upper limb were analyzed: «ESWT (Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy) AND fracture», «ESWT AND tendonitis», «ESWT AND subacromial impingement syndrome», «ESWT AND adhesive capsulitis», «ESWT AND frozen schoulder», «ESWT AND trigger finger», «ESWT
OR AND lateral epicondylitis», «ESWT AND medial epicondylitis », «ESWT AND ostheoarthritis», «ESWT AND tendinopathy»,
«ESWT AND injure». Results. A total of 272 scientific articles were found. The articles related to histological, biomechanical
and experimental studies, wounds, burns and post-stroke changes of the upper limbs, diseases other localizations, as well as
methods of conservative and surgical treatment were excluded. 51 articles were selected for analysis. It was determined that
ESWT is used in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis; calcifying tendinitis of muscles shoulder tendinopathies, partial injuries
of rotator cuff muscles of the shoulder; subacromial impingement syndrome; adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder; ununited
fractures and delayed union; navicular bone of the wrist; diseases of the hand (carpal tunnel syndrome, snapping finger, Dupuytren's contracture, tendinopathies); fractures of the humerus and clavicle; tendinopathy of the distal tendon of the biceps
brachii muscle. Conclusions. ESWT is a modern and effective method of conservative treatment of orthopedic and traumatological diseases of the upper limb and can be used both independently and in combination with standard methods of conservative treatment.
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