A method for treating neglected shoulder dislocations by means of a reposition system with external transosseous fixation


  • Andrey Shyika
  • Mykola Klepach
  • Vasil Bobyk




obsolete shoulder dislocation, closed reduction shoulder Ilizarov apparatus, transosseous osteosynthesis


Neglected shoulder dislocation is a difficult orthopaedic pathology and makes 23.7-25.0 % of all dislocations of the shoulder. Closed reduction of shoulder dislocations without complications is actually impossible because of significant cicatricial changes in the shoulder joint capsule and adjacent anatomical formations. Therefore open reduction becomes necessary, but it often results in disruption of the shoulder joint function. The authors developed a method of closed reduction for neglected shoulder dislocations using a reposition system of external transosseous fixation with controlled stage-by-stage restoration of the shoulder joint congruence and tested this technique on 17 patients at the age of 16-75 years, whose dislocation had taken place from 4 weeks to 5 years before. It was proved that the application of the above method ensured a high efficacy of the controlled reposition, satisfactory restoration of the shoulder joint function and reduction of the treatment duration by 16-20 days.


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How to Cite

Shyika, A., Klepach, M., & Bobyk, V. (2009). A method for treating neglected shoulder dislocations by means of a reposition system with external transosseous fixation. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (4), 88–96. https://doi.org/10.15674/0030-59872009488-96

