Biomechanical grounds for plate osteosynthesis in fractures of the external malleolus


  • Oleg Loskutov
  • Sergey Panchenko
  • Vasil Krasovskiy



ankle fractures, osteosynthesis, biomechanical sabstantiation


The end-element analysis of the stress-deformed state of the “fibula-fixing device” system is done for three osteosynthesis models of the episyndesmosis fracture of the external malleolus (fracture A1 in AO classification). The models differed only in their fixing plate design type: model 1 — a smooth ordinary cylindrical panel-plate AO; model 2 — an ordinary panel-plate, with two additional symmetrical cogs in its distal part; model 3 — an ordinary panel-plate, with three additional symmetrical cogs in its distal part. The obtained calculation results convincingly demonstrate the advantage of the studied osteosynthesis with cogged fixing plates, especially model 3, from the viewpoints of both the junction strength and rigidity. When analysing the stressed state of the “bone-fixing plate” system, one should take into consideration its peculiarities, caused by the nature of maximum strains, which appear in the region of concentrators. It is necessary to avoid fragile materials, when struc­tures for osteosynthesis are manufactured. Without fail, possible stress concentrators must be eliminated in both the fixing plates and bone, particularly when screw channels and cog holes are prepared.


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How to Cite

Loskutov, O., Panchenko, S., & Krasovskiy, V. (2009). Biomechanical grounds for plate osteosynthesis in fractures of the external malleolus. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (4), 55–61.

