Orthosis peculiarities in children with neuromuscular diseases
neuromuscular diseases, children, orthosingAbstract
The restoration of the function of standing and walking in children with severe neurological diseases, deficit of muscle activity, coordination of movements and orthostatic instability is called a difficult urgent problem. The orthopaedic means, compensating for the absent function of weight-bearing capacity and walking, include hinged orthosis systems on the lower extremities and vertebral column, parapodium, reciprocal orthosis complex and reciprocal orthoses with different modifications; they provide back-and-forth walking, which is equivalent to the natural one. The author states that, when rehabilitating seriously ill neurological patients with marked restrictions of their physical abilities, the above orthopaedic technique means improve these patients’ ability to stand and walk and postpone the moment of their complete dependence on the wheelchair. The use of such means is a promising direction in this field.
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