Methods for modelling femoral diaphysial deformities in rats




diaphysial deformities, modelling, femur, rats


The purpose of the present work was to create experimental models of posttraumatic femoral diaphysial deformities in laboratory rats. The authors developed and described models with use of intraosseal (stable and unstable osteosynthesis) and external pin-rod (stable osteosynthesis) fixing devices in detail. The developed experimental models can be used for studying structural-functional changes in injured segments in presence of posttraumatic diaphysial deformities.


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How to Cite

Korzh, M., Romanenko, K., & Ashukina, N. (2010). Methods for modelling femoral diaphysial deformities in rats. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (1), 76–79.

