On the determination of the osseous tissue density in the periprosthesis area


  • Aleksandr Avrunin
  • Rashid Tikhilov




projection mineral density, bone, hip replacement, an error method DEXA


Using an in vitro model, the authors made an attempt to diagnose the reproducibility error (RE) of the DEXA method in the periprosthetic area around the Müller femoral component without cement and, on the basis of the achieved results, suggested an algorithm of investigation, which minimizes the above error down to clinically insignificant values. The following main factors, which affected RE of the method, were revealed: incorrect positions of the patient and RE of the hardware-software complex. When the femur rotated within ±5º, the biggest deviation in mineral density values of bone tissue achieved 3.9-8.9 %. The authors observed that the maximum value of ER of the hardware-software complex was in Gruen zone 2, where it achieved 3.2 %. The researchers suggested a special algorithm for levelling the above RE down to clinically insignificant indices by the computer simulation technique.


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How to Cite

Avrunin, A., & Tikhilov, R. (2009). On the determination of the osseous tissue density in the periprosthesis area. ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY and PROSTHETICS, (3), 121–126. https://doi.org/10.15674/0030-598720093121-126

