The morphological state of the knee joint tissue of rats in a modelled endoprosthetics of the tibia
growing rats, knee joint, arthroplasty, histologyAbstract
The article deals with the results of a histological examination of the knee joint tissues after an experimental modelling of endoprosthetics in the proximal tibial epiphysis of laboratory rats with an uncompleted growth. It was found out that a unipolar endoprosthetics caused structural disturbances of the articular cartilage in the adjacent (not operated) femoral bone with the retained structure and height of the epiphysial cartilage. Animals of the control group (an injure of the epimetaphysis without any prosthetics) developed an osteochondrous adhesion in the knee joint, the defect area was filled with some fibrillar connective and fibroreticular tissues, the femur revealed pronounced destructive changes in the articular and epiphysial cartilages. The height of their epiphysial cartilage in the controls was reliably less versus the animals from the experimental and intact groups.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Svitlana Malyshkina, Olga Nikolchenko, Stanislav Shevchenko, Vitaliy Baev

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